Amy Pressler (Smith)
I am looking forward to seeing many friends at our 50th Reunion. As many of you may know I almost made it to our last reunion, but suffered a life threatening fall and subsequent brain bleed just a week before the event. I was in ICU for 11 days and was paralyzed on my left side. After 5 weeks in intensive therapy facilities, I returned home in a wheel chair with many hours of therapy at home and out patience care. My dear husband, Mike, and a team of many volunteers, provided many hours of loving care. The Lord has been faithful to consistently provide ongoing healing. I am presently able to walk with a cane and drive and participate in many activities. Fortunately, God protected the area of my brain that provides thinking and speech, even though the neuro-team caring for me said my scans and MRI's showed this area was damaged! I have constantly felt the Lord's peace through this whole journey. Never have I felt alone or defeated!
Currently, I participate in swim therapy in a warm water pool 3 times a week and enjoy practicing walking on the Puffer Belly trail near our home with the aid of some walking poles that Mike found for me. I am only able to make it about a half a mile so far, but am trying to build up my endurance!
My fun times involve spending time with our 3 children and their spouses, our 9 grandchildren and our 2 great-grandchildren.
They are wonderful blessings in our lives. We enjoy playing games and laughing together.
Other enjoyable times in my schedule include leading a women's Bible Study weekly and participating as a deacon in our church. As my energy allows, I hope to be involved in more activities at church and in our community. My heart loves to spend time at the Just Neighbors Center sharing food and fellowship with those who are suddenly homeless.
My journey of healing continues, but in the meanwhile, I am enjoying every moment of life which is so precious, especially after almost losing mine 4 years ago in August, 2015!
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