Kirby Ehler
Its hard to believe 50 years have gone by since we passed each other in the North Side halls, library and detention center!

After NSHS I enrolled at ITT Technical in FW and in August 1970 my birthdate was selected #2 in the military draft lottery. Applied for deferment and was able to finish my AA degree in Electrical Engineering. Army sent me to Thailand, El Paso, TX and California. Was discharged in 1975 and started working for high tech company in Silicon Valley. Finished college with BS in Electrical Engineering using GI Bill. Was even able to get my private pilots license using GI Bill! Army was good for me!

I spent 11 years as an elected School Board Member for elementary and high school districts in Northern California.

Retired in 2015 with 40 years at same high tech defense contractor.

My wife of 38 years and I enjoy camping and just returned from a 2 month, 6,500 mile cross-country trip. Stopped in FW to visit family and drove by NSHS! Still looks the same!

We have one daughter living in Southern California. Waiting for her to marry, no grandchildren yet.
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